Good news! No doubt this instruction is being sent to all branches in Europe as GDPR is applicable in the whole of Europe.
Anders Andersen
JoinedPosts by Anders Andersen
2019 BOE Elders letter May 13 England - Ireland Data Protection
by Not_Culty in
2019 Convention - Televangelist music
by John_Carter_1912 inany thoughts?.
didn't jehovah's witnesses use to despise this type of evangelical music?.
Anders Andersen
Holy shit this is a bad song and a worse video clip.
The song screams 'wannabe mainstream happy-clappy revival youth'.
The video screams 'CULT!'
At least when the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sings about Jesus, I got goosebumps. Their emotion almost becomes my emotion.
But this thing is absolutely devoid of genuine emotion. The guy sounds like a pimo who couldn't avoid recording this song and got overproduced too. "Take 262344, make it sound like you mean it bro. BoringVoice!"
Ladies First
by snugglebunny ini know a lady who says she feels demeaned if a man walks on the outside or opens a door for her or stands aside to let her pass.
i just think it's good manners.
being a gentleman has nothing to do with equality in my opinion..
Anders Andersen
If a woman challenged me for doing the gentlemanly thing for her ,she would get a mouthful from me as to what sort of person she is.
I can't help but wonder how thin that shiny veneer of gentleman-ness is if it comes of as soon as a (mere?) woman challenges the gentleman.
PS: I'm probably reading more into that sentence than the writer intended, but without knowing him I have to go by what he wrote.
Pope Makes New Order: ALL Sexual Abuse MUST Be Reported By Priests and Nuns!
by minimus inlet’s see what the watchtower will do now..
Anders Andersen
The Pope has made new church laws that say all abuse must be reported to the Vatican. He does not order reporting to the real authorities as that might bring trouble to Catholics in areas where they may be persecuted.
So, the CC now basically does what JW do already for a long time: report abuse internally, without reporting to the police.
JW apologists are gonna have a field day with this: "the CC finally follow the fine example of JW in handling abuse issues"
Corporal punishment
by Incognigo Montoya inso i just finished watching the latest cedars video on spanking children.
i like lloyd, and think that overall he does a good job covering issues in his videos.
but i've gotta disagree with him on this issue, to a point.. i don't agree with beating your children, but i do believe in spanking, when appropriate.
Anders Andersen
Spanking doesn't teach anything. Explaining and communicating does.
Spanking pushes the relationship between parent and child towards a fear based obedience. I prefer to actually communicate with my child, and for that she needs to trust me. She also shouldn't be afraid of telling me anything.
Spanking shows a child how violence to set things straight is acceptable. The same thing we tell them not to do to their peers, we'd do to them? How is overpowering a smaller person with physical force okay for punishment? To acutely protect them from harm, yes that makes sense. But after you stopped them from killing themselves, the spanking serves no educational goal.
I prefer to see my child as an autonomous individual, that deserves as much respect as I do. I try to teach empathy to both her and me. Spanking has no place in that.
FWIW this doesn't mean it's easy....but parenting isn't easy anyway.
Would You Shelter An Illegal Alien Seeking To Come To Your Country?
by minimus ini know many people support leniency for illegal aliens.
they feel terrible for them and often feel laws should be changed so we can welcome people who are not as fortunate as we might be.. would you allow an illegal alien to reside with you in your home, with your family?
Anders Andersen
Btw it is hypocrisy to say 'yes I would take someone in my home' and then say no right after like they (appear to) do in the video!
Would You Shelter An Illegal Alien Seeking To Come To Your Country?
by minimus ini know many people support leniency for illegal aliens.
they feel terrible for them and often feel laws should be changed so we can welcome people who are not as fortunate as we might be.. would you allow an illegal alien to reside with you in your home, with your family?
Anders Andersen
It’s all about hypocrisy! Sure we should allow illegals to live in our country but not I’m my house!
It's a silly question.
Should we allow minimus to live in our country? Most people would say yes. But quite sure most who think so wouldn't want him living in their house.Likewise, would minimus allow his neighbors and many others (non refugees, non illegal aliens) to live in his country? Sure! But quite sure not in minimus' house...
It's silly to call hypocrisy if you would answer the same question in the same way in a slightly different but entirely similar situation.
Would You Shelter An Illegal Alien Seeking To Come To Your Country?
by minimus ini know many people support leniency for illegal aliens.
they feel terrible for them and often feel laws should be changed so we can welcome people who are not as fortunate as we might be.. would you allow an illegal alien to reside with you in your home, with your family?
Anders Andersen
The same is true the other way around tho. Would you want to live in the country and situation those refugees come from?
If not, how dare we send them back?
If so, feel free to leave now ;-)
Belgium branch raided by police in CSA investigation
by Anders Andersen ina few weeks ago the branch in the netherlands was raided by dutch police looking for evidence in csa court cases.. last week (april 25) belgian police raided the branch in belgium, after several high profile media items made it clear jw have a big problem when it comes to handling csa..
Anders Andersen
A few weeks ago the branch in the Netherlands was raided by Dutch police looking for evidence in CSA court cases.
Last week (April 25) Belgian police raided the branch in Belgium, after several high profile media items made it clear JW have a big problem when it comes to handling csa.
New Bethel in Bologna (It.)
by LaFrancia inthe new bethel is in bologna city.
rome be for sale.
the new bethel not ready until 2020.
Anders Andersen
Such great news! Thanks for sharing LaFrancia!
Too bad Jehovah didn't manage to properly foresee building cost. Even His own son knew you have to properly calculate the cost before building!